Difference Between Square & Rhombus

Though both are parallelograms, they differ in their diagonal lengths and angles. These two shapes have all the sides to be equal and thus creates a lot of confusion.

Difference Between a Square and a Rhombus and Their Similarities:

Square and Rhombus Differences



The lengths of Diagonals of a square are of equal lengths.

The lengths of Diagonals are of unequal length.

All angles of Square are of 90 degrees each i.e. right-angled at each Vertex

Only opposite angles of a Rhombus are of equal measure

Square and Rhombus Similarities

A Square is a quadrilateral. A Rhombus is also a quadrilateral.
All sides of a square are equal in length.

Similar to the square, all the sides of a rhombus are also of equal length.

Opposite sides are parallel to each other.

Opposite sides of a rhombus are also parallel to each other.

Diagonals are perpendicular to each other.

Similar to that of a square, the Diagonals are of a rhombus are also perpendicular to each other.